Players can further define their characters with the type of weapons, armors, shields, and other gear they use during their adventures.
Starting Coin: Each new character starts with 100 silver pieces to purchase any additional starting gear. Characters typically purchase at least one weapon, and perhaps a set of armor or a shield. There are also many useful items in the Gear section and new characters start with a Backpack and some basic starting supplies (see the Gear section later in this chapter).
World Saga’s default setting assumes the use of metal coins as currency. If you are playing in a different setting, see Chapter 7 for ways to convert to other forms of currency.
Many transactions in a medieval or early Renaissance period involved bartering goods in exchange for other goods or services. Coins minted of precious metal, however, are a universally accepted form of currency due to the rarity and value of the metals.
Historically, coin weight and size varied considerably, but for the purposes of this game, assume coins all have the same standardized weight and size, about 0.35 ounces or 10 grams, with 50 coins to a pound or half-kilogram. This currency system aims to be mostly compatible with prices of other medieval fantasy roleplaying games that use copper (cp), silver (sp), and gold (gp) coins.
Common Pennies (cp) – These are very small and thin coins composed of mostly silver or copper for everyday use by common folk. Half and quarter pennies are often used as well.
Silver Pieces (sp) – These slightly larger coins are composed entirely of silver and are used for larger purchases and transporting wealth. All costs listed in this chapter (unless specified) are in silver pieces.
Gold Pieces (gp) – These rare coins are composed of gold and are used by the rich and powerful. Adventurers dream of a chest full of these valuable coins.
All items in World Saga have a Bulk rating. This is an abstract representation of an object’s weight and general volume and size. Characters have a Bulk Limit equal to their Strength attribute. This is the total number of Bulk units they can carry before they are Encumbered. Any Bulk greater than this value, and the character has the Encumbered condition until they decrease their load. The absolute Maximum Bulk a character can carry is equal to one and one-half their Strength attribute (rounded down).
Light Bulk items are smaller items that are less than 1 Bulk unit, typically small enough to hold in one hand and weighing less than a few pounds or about one kilogram. Light Bulk items are typically stored inside containers. Each container item has one or more Light Bulk item slots that can contain these items (see the Gear section later in this chapter). For the purposes of some containers, 5 Light Bulk items have about the same mass and volume as 1 unit of Bulk.
Weapons are divided into two categories: melee and ranged. Melee weapons use the Fighting skill and ranged weapon use the Shooting skill.
Melee Weapon Types
Sharp weapons such as hatchets, battleaxes, greataxes, poleaxes, and scythes. These weapons are used for making wide sweeping slashes. They can more easily chop through an enemy’s shield or cleave through an opponent’s defenses.
Blunt weapons such as clubs, staves, maces, morningstars, hammers, mauls, and picks. These weapons are used for bludgeoning blows. They are good for shoving opponents back, crushing them with pure strength, and knocking them to the ground.
Dueling Blades
Medium bladed weapons with sharp points such as arming swords, rapiers, sabres, and scimitars. These weapons are used for defensive parries and quick thrusts.
Chained weapons such as flails, great-flails, and spiked chains. These chained-based weapons combine the heavy blows of bludgeons with some of the reach advantage of polearms, and can be used to strike multiple opponents, trip an opponent, and otherwise knock them to the ground.
Large Blades
Large, bladed weapons such as broadswords, longswords, greatswords, katanas, and falchions. These weapons are quite versatile, they can be used to thrust with the blade’s tip, make wide slashing arcs with the blade, or even make full circle strikes when faced with too many opponents.
Long and piercing weapons such as spears, guisarmes, ranseurs, lances and other pointed polearms. These weapons are used for keeping your enemy at a distance, tripping enemies, and thrusting forward with deadly impalements.
Small Blades
Short bladed weapons such as shortswords, daggers, and knives. These weapons are used for quick slashing with the blade and piercing thrusts with the blade’s tip.
Ranged Weapon Types
Skills with shortbows and longbows. These weapons are used for quick and deadly shots from a distance.
Skills with hand crossbows and windlass crossbows. These weapons take more time to load and prepare, but they strike with much more force that a typical bow.
Skills with throwing axes, throwing knives, slings, and javelins. These weapons fling themselves or deadly stones at enemies from a distance. They don’t have as much range as a bow, but they can hit with a hard punch.
Weapons Listing
The following section provides a list of common weapons in the game. Most weapons have
If there is a weapon that you wish to include in your game that is not on this list, talk with your GM to see if you can use the statistics of an existing weapon as a proxy or perhaps decide what traits make sense for your weapon.
Weapon Statistics
Basic Test by anyone searching for it.
Weapons by Group
H indicates the number of hands required to use the weapon.
C indicates the typical cost of the weapon (in silver pieces).
B indicates the Bulk of the item.
Weapon | H | C | B | Traits |
Axes | ||||
Bardiche, Glaive, Halberd | 2H | 10 | 3 | Parry -2, Reach |
Battleaxe | 1H | 10 | 2 | Armor Piercing 1 |
Greataxe | 2H | 20 | 4 | Parry -2, Damage +1, Armor Piercing 1 |
Hatchet, Sickle | 1H | 5 | 1 | Parry -1, Grapple |
Scythe | 2H | 20 | 4 | Parry -2, Armor Piercing 1, Reach |
Bludgeons | ||||
Club | 1H | 1 cp | 1 | Subdued |
Mace, Warhammer | 1H | 10 | 2 | – |
Maul | 2H | 20 | 3 | Parry -2, Damage +1 |
Morningstar, Pick | 1H | 12 | 2 | Armor Piercing 1 |
Staff | 2H | 2 cp | 2 | Parry +1 |
Bows | ||||
Shortbow | 2H | 30 | 2 | Range (10/20/40) |
Longbow | 2H | 60 | 3 | Range (15/30/60), Armor Piercing 1 |
* Arrows, 10x (Quiver) | 5 | 1 | – | |
Crossbows | ||||
Hand Crossbow | 2H | 50 | 2 | Range (10/20/40), Reload 1, Armor Piercing 1 |
Windlass Crossbow | 2H | 75 | 3 | Range (15/30/60), Reload 2, Armor Piercing 2, Damage +1 |
* Bolts, 10x (Case) | 5 | 1 | – | |
Dueling Blades | ||||
Arming sword, Knight sword, Viking sword | 1H | 15 | 2 | – |
Estoc, Rapier | 1H | 20 | 2 | Parry +1, Damage -1 |
Sabre, Scimitar | 1H | 25 | 2 | Encircle 1 |
Flails | ||||
Flail | 1H | 15 | 2 | Parry -2, Encircle 2 |
Great-Flail, Spiked Chain | 2H | 25 | 4 | Parry -2, Encircle 2, Damage +1 |
Large Blades | ||||
Falchion, Katana | 2H | 30 | 3 | Damage +1 |
Greatsword | 2H | 20 | 4 | Parry -4, Damage +2 |
Longsword | 1-2H | 15 | 3 | Two-Hand (-2 Parry, +1 Damage) |
Polearms | ||||
Guisarme, Lance, Pike, Ranseur | 2H | 15 | 3 | Parry -2, Damage +1, Reach |
Spear | 1H | 2 | 2 | – |
Small Blades | ||||
Dagger | 1H | 2 | 1 | Parry -1, Grapple |
Knife | 1H | 1 | 1 | Parry -2, Damage -1, Grapple, Concealable |
Shortsword | 1H | 10 | 1 | – |
Thrown | ||||
Javelin | 1H | 2 | 2 | Range (4/8/16), Armor Piercing 1 |
Sling | 2H | 2 cp | 1 | Range (5/10/20) |
* Bullets, 10x (Sack) | 2 cp | 1 | – | |
Throwing axe | 1H | 4 | 1 | Range (2/4/8), Damage +1 |
Throwing knife | 1H | 2 | 1 | Range (3/6/12), Damage -1 |
*Masterwork Weapon | – | +500 | – | A masterfully made weapon grants a +1 Item bonus to Fighting/Shooting. |
Armor can mean the difference between a lethal wound and a minor bruise. Armor helps characters reduce the amount of damage they might take in combat. However, armor can also slow the wearer down, making them easier targets for attacks.
Protection and Armor Dents: When a character who is wearing armor takes Stamina damage, they can reduce the amount of damage they take by the armor’s
Armor Statistics
C indicates the typical cost of the armor (in silver pieces).
B indicates the Bulk of the item.
Armor Type | C | B | Prot | MSE | Speed Penalty | AGL Penalty | Reflex Penalty |
Clothing | 1 | L | 0 | 0 | -0 | -0 | -0 |
Light Armor | 20 | 2 | 2 | 6 | -0 | -1 | -1 |
Medium Armor | 50 | 3 | 4 | 8 | -1 | -2 | -2 |
Heavy Armor | 150 | 4 | 6 | 10 | -2 | -3 | -4 |
Full Armor | 400 | 6 | 8 | 10 | -3 | -4 | -6 |
*Masterwork Armor | +500 | A masterfully crafted set of armor grants a +1 Item bonus to maximum Stamina. |
Armor Examples
Light Armors – Padded, Leather, or Studded Leather
Medium Armors – Hide Mail, Scale Mail, Chain Hauberk
Heavy Armor – Splint, Breastplate, Chainmail, or Half-plate
Full Armor – Field Plate
Shields generally allow a character to use the Block skill for Defense Rolls. The exception is Bucklers, which can help a character parry incoming attacks. Larger shields also can provide Cover against ranged attacks.
Shield Statistics
C indicates the typical cost of the shield (in silver pieces).
B indicates the Bulk of the item.
Shield Type | C | B | MSE | Speed Penalty | Traits |
Buckler | 10 | 1 | 4 | -0 | Parry +1, Cannot Block. |
Small Shield | 10 | 2 | 6 | -0 | |
Large Shield | 20 | 3 | 8 | -1 | Lesser Cover (-2) |
Tower Shield | 100 | 5 | 10 | -2 | Standard Cover (-4) |
Standing Shield | 50 | – | – | – | Greater Cover (-6), Immobile |
*Masterwork Shield | +500 | A masterfully crafted shield grants a +1 Item bonus to Block (does not apply to Bucklers). |
Shield Examples
Buckler – Bucklers
Small Shields – Round Shields, Heater Shields, Rondaches
Large Shields – Kite Shields, Targes, Viking Round Shields
Tower Shields – Tower Shields, Pavise Shields
Standing Shields – Mantlets
Every new adventurer begins play with some basic camping gear and survival supplies. This includes a backpack, a bedroll, a blanket, a waterskin, and a fire kit for lighting fires. They also begin with 5 dry rations and a coil of rope. Players can also spend any remaining coins on other basic supplies listed below.
Adventuring Gear
C indicates the typical cost of the item (in silver pieces).
B indicates the Bulk of the item. L indicates Light Bulk items.
Gear | C | B | Notes |
Backpack | 3 | (1) | Carries 10 Light Bulk items. The backpack’s Bulk does not count when worn. |
Barrel | 10 | 10 | Carries 10 Bulk (50 Light Bulk) worth of items. |
Bedroll | 2 cp | L | Provides minimum outdoor sleeping comfort. |
Blanket | 2 | L | A basic blanket to keep you warm during cold nights. |
Book or Text | 10 | L | Reading material for those rare idle moments. |
Candles (5x) | 1 cp | L | Burns for 1 Period and provides light (2 squares Dim Light, 1 square Bright Light). Great for nighttime reading. |
Chest, Large | 15 | 5 | Carries 5 Bulk worth of items. |
Chest, Small | 8 | 2 | Carries 2 Bulk worth of items. |
Clothing, Common | 1 | L | Basic work clothes for the everyday person. |
Clothing, Fine | 20 | L | Fine clothing for nice affairs and the well-to-do. |
Clothing, Luxurious | 500 | L | Luxurious clothes for the nobility. |
Clothing, Winter | 4 | L | Fur-lined cloaks and hoods for cold weather. |
Compass | 10 | L | Provides a +1 item bonus to Escort attempts. |
Cookware, Quality | 20 | 1 | Provides a +1 item bonus to Cook attempts. |
Crowbar | 5 | 1 | Provides a +2 item bonus to Break attempts. |
Fire Kit | 5 cp | L | Flint, steel, and some bits of tinder. Can be used to light fires, takes a few minutes. |
Grappling Hook | 2 | L | Great for climbing. Use Basic Athletics Test to throw the hook with an attached rope. |
Keg, Large | 15 | 4 | Carries 12 units of Water, ale, or wine. |
Keg, Small | 6 | 2 | Carries 6 units of Water, ale, or wine. |
Ladder | 4 cp | 5 | Can ascend 2 squares (10 feet or 3 meters) |
Lantern | 10 | 1 | Burns for 1 Period and provides light (8 squares Dim Light, 4 squares Bright Light). |
Lantern Oil | 2 cp | L | Lights a lantern for one Period (6 hours). Slow to burn, but otherwise quite flammable. |
Lock | 20 | L | Includes a key. |
Magnifying Glass | 400 | L | Provides a +2 item bonus on Search attempts for looking closely for small clues. |
Manacles | 50 | L | Includes a key. |
Mirror | 10 | L | A finely polished steel plate. |
Musical Instrument | 10 | 1 | Small and portable; lute, flute, small drum, etc. |
Pole, Wooden | 2 cp | 3 | A long pole that can poke objects up to 2 squares away. |
Ration, Dry | 5 cp | L | Barely palatable dry food, enough for one day’s worth. |
Religious Symbol, Wooden | 1 | L | Carved in reverence to a deity or religious group. |
Religious Symbol, Silver | 20 | L | Often carried by prominent religious figures. |
Religious Book | 10 | L | A book of morale stories, scripture, or prayers. |
Rope | 5 | 1 | Coil of hemp rope, 10 squares long (60 ft, 20 m) |
Sack | 2 cp | L | Carries 5 Light Bulk items when held. |
Saddlebags | 3 | 1 | Carries 10 Light Bulk items. |
Soap, Medicinal | 1 | L | Provides a +2 item bonus on Mend attempts. Single use item. |
Spyglass | 200 | L | Provides a +2 item bonus on Search attempts for looking over great distances. |
Tack, Riding | 40 | 3 | Includes saddle, bit and bridle, and stirrups. |
Tent, Single | 8 | 1 | Avoids penalties for Rest actions in inclement weather. Sleeps one. |
Tent, Foursome | 50 | 3 | Avoids penalties for Rest actions in inclement weather. Sleeps four. |
Tent, Pavilion | 400 | 15 | Great for parties! |
Tools, Alchemy | 40 | 3 | Required for Create or Repair with (Alchemy). |
Tools, Artistry | 20 | 1 | Required for Create, Repair, or Write with (Art). |
Tools, Carpentry | 15 | 2 | Required for Build, Create or Repair with (Carpentry). |
Tools, Climbing | 5 | 1 | Grants a +2 item bonus to Climb attempts when set up. |
Tools, Culinary | 10 | 1 | Required to Cook with (Culinary) without penalties. |
Tools, Disguise | 20 | 1 | Required for Portray attempts to impersonate someone. |
Tools, Ensnaring | 15 | 1 | Required to Ensnare or Trap enemies. Can also be used to Hunt with snares. |
Tools, Fishing | 8 | 1 | Required for Fish attempts. |
Tools, Fletching | 10 | 1 | Required for Create or Repair with (Bows). |
Tools, Healing | 30 | 1 | Required for most Healing actions like Mend. |
Tools, Jewelry | 30 | 1 | Required for Create or Repair with (Baubles). |
Tools, Masonry | 15 | 2 | Required for Build, Create or Repair with (Masonry). |
Tools, Master’s | +500 | ~ | Masterfully crafted version of tools, adds a +1 Item bonus when used. |
Tools, Repairing | 20 | 1 | Allows Repair attempts on any item. |
Tools, Smithing | 30 | 3 | Required for Build, Create or Repair with (Metalwork). |
Tools, Textiles | 15 | 2 | Required for Build, Create or Repair with (Textiles). |
Tools, Thievery | 30 | L | Required for Disable and Unlock using Thievery. |
Tools, Writing | 15 | L | Required for Write, Create or Repair with (Literary). |
Torch | 2 cp | L | Burns for 1 hour and provides light (8 squares Dim Light, 4 square Bright Light). |
Waterskin | 5 cp | L | Can hold one day’s worth, or 1 unit of Water, Ale, or Wine. |
Alchemical Items
Some people versed in the secret processes of alchemy are able to create powerful tools, tinctures, and tonics from seemingly mundane herbs, spices, and minerals. Alchemical items are created with the Craft (Alchemy) skill. These items may not be available in every campaign, so consult your GM if you wish to purchase any alchemical items during character creation.
Gear | C | B | Notes |
Antitoxin Tonic | 30 | L | +2 item bonus vs Poison afflictions for 1 Activity (10 minutes). |
Medicinal Tincture | 30 | L | +2 item bonus vs Disease afflictions for 1 day. |
Boom Bomb | 30 | L | Gunpowder bomb (see below). |
Rage Tonic | 60 | L | +1 status bonus to Damage with melee weapons for 1 Activity (10 minutes). |
Life Tonic | 30 | L | +4 item bonus on Stabilize attempts. |
Cat’s Eye Tonic | 70 | L | +2 item bonus on Search and Seek attempts, do not suffer Dim Light penalties for 1 Activity (10 minutes). |
Truth Tonic | 150 | L | -4 item penalty to Bluff attempts. |
Raw Resources
Raw resources can be used to Build buildings and camp amenities or Craft useful gear and items. The processing of raw resources into useful goods can also be quite profitable. Liquid resources (like Alcohol and Water) must be stored in containers and each unit corresponds to one use.
Resource | Cost | B | Notes |
Alcohol | 2 cp | ~ | Ale, beer, cider, or wine. See Brew for effects. |
Alcohol, Fine | 20 | ~ | High quality alcohol. See Brew for effects. |
Charcoal | 3 cp | 1 | Bag of charcoal. Crafted from Wood in a Charcoal Pit. Used for smelting and forging. |
Cloth (wool, linen) | 4 | 1 | A bolt of cloth used as a trade good. Can be crafted into clothing with Craft (Textiles). |
Cloth, Fine (cotton, silk) | 20 | 1 | A bolt of fine cloth used as a trade good. Can be crafted into clothing with Craft (Textiles). |
Coal | 1 cp | 1 | A chunk of raw coal for smelting and burning. |
Copper Ingot | 100 | L | A solid copper ingot, a useful metal for brewing and alchemy. |
Copper Ore | 10 | 1 | A chunk of stone with metallic copper veins. |
Dye / Ink | 1 | L | Small vial of colored dye or writing ink. |
Gold Ingot | 10,000 | L | A solid gold ingot, worth a fortune. |
Gold Ore | 1000 | 1 | A chunk of stone with metallic gold veins. |
Grain | 1/2 cp | L | Handful of raw grain (wheat, barley, rye, etc.). |
Hide | 1 cp | 1 | A raw hide from a slain animal, use Tan Hides to convert to Leather. |
Iron Ingot | 10 | L | A solid iron ingot, essential to Build and Craft. |
Iron Ore | 1 | 1 | A chunk of stone with rusty iron veins. |
Leather | 2 cp | L | A small bolt of tanned leather, used to Craft. |
Meat | 2 cp | L | Raw meat and organs. Spoils in 3 days. |
Silver Ingot | 1000 | L | A solid silver ingot, worth a small fortune. |
Silver Ore | 100 | 1 | A chunk of stone with metallic silver veins. |
Stone | 1 cp | 3 | A large chunk of building stone. |
Tin Ore | 30 | 1 | A chunk of stone with metallic tin veins. |
Tin Ingot | 300 | L | A solid tin ingot, usable for metal alloys. |
Vegetables | 1/2 cp | L | Raw fruits and vegetables. Spoils in 1 week. |
Water | ~ | ~ | A necessity of life and important to Craft. |
Wood | 1 cp | 1 | Raw lumber and boards to Build and Craft. |
Inns and Taverns
Service | Cost | Notes |
Animal Stabling | 2 cp | Per day, includes feed and general care. |
Armor Repair | 2 | Cost is per Dent repaired. |
Item Repair | 5-10 | Repair does not include raw material cost. |
Meal (crude) | 1 cp | Bread and watery soup or simple porridge. Cup of water. |
Meal (modest) | 3 cp | Bread and hearty stew or bean porridge. Pint of ale. |
Meal (fine) | 3 | Cheese and cured meat slices. Vegetable medley, small cut of meat. Cup of fine ale or wine. |
Meal (luxury) | 10 | Fine cheeses and cured meats and sausages. Salad of fresh greens and fine cut of prime meat. Multiple cups of fine wine. |
Lodging | (Cost is per day, may discount if week paid up front) | |
Common floor space | 3 cp | Floor space near the fire with a roof overhead. |
Common room bed | 1 | Single bed in a common room. Might include a lockable chest for storage. |
Private room, double bed | 5 | Lockable private bedroom with a lockable storage closet. |
Private fine suite of rooms | 100 | Luxury suite of rooms with multiple beds (sleeps 6). Might have office area or external balcony. |
Daily Upkeep Costs
For tracking of living costs over longer periods of time, these numbers reflect the cost for basic rent or property taxes, meals, and other taxes and fees.
Quality | Week | Month | Notes |
Subsistence | 4 | 16 | Shared apartment or cottage. |
Modest | 10 | 40 | Private apartment or small home. |
Fine | 300 | 1200 | Quality apartment or moderate home. |
Luxury | 1000 | 4000 | Extravagant apartment or large home. |
Mounts and Pack Animals
It is often useful to have a mount for faster transportation, or an animal to help carry gear and supplies for a long expedition. The Cost includes appropriate tack, saddle, and saddlebags. The Bulk entry lists the number of Bulk the creature can carry.
Animal | Cost | Bulk | Notes |
Horse, Riding | 80 | 16 | Requires successful Impress to calm if brought into combat, otherwise flees. |
Horse, War | 300 | 20 | Can be brought into combat and also don barding. |
Mule, donkey, or other pack animal | 20 | 16 | Requires successful Impress to calm if brought into combat, otherwise flees. |
Travel Costs
These prices are for standard transportation per hex (6 miles, 10 km); meals or private sleeping arrangements are extra (see meals and lodging). Travel to dangerous or unknown lands are likely more expensive.
Travel Service | Cost | Notes |
Caravan Wagon | 3 cp | A seat on a land-bound wagon. |
Ferry or Riverboat | 4 cp | Passage up, down, or across a river. |
Private Carriage | 2 sp | A seat in a small private horse-drawn carriage. |
Sailing Vessel | 6 cp | Passage with minimal space on an oceanic voyage. Double price for private quarters. |
Hirelings and Specialists
Paid laborers can provide some help at basic tasks, while skilled specialists can provide help with specific tasks. Cost is per day (or per task for some specialists) and rates are likely to double if brought into dangerous or unknown areas. The listed skill value is their Skill Rank for their primary skill, otherwise assume the NPC has a Skill Rank of 6 in everything else. NPC specialists usually take their time on their assignments and thus typically have a +4 situation bonus on related Tests.
Type | Cost | Skill | Notes |
Laborer | 1 | 6 | A basic laborer for manual and tedious tasks. |
Specialist, Skilled | 5 | 8 | A trained and skilled professional. |
Specialist, Expert | 10 | 12 | A well-trained expert in a particular area. |
Specialist, Master | 30 | 14 | A well-experienced master of their discipline. |
Guard / Soldier | 10 | 8 | A basic warrior with a Skill Rank of 8 for Dodge, Block and Fighting or Shooting. They have their own weapon, light armor, and a shield. |
Mercenary | 20 | 10 | A skilled warrior with a Skill Rank of 10 for Dodge, Block and Fighting or Shooting. They have their own weapon, medium armor, and a shield. |