What is a Roleplaying Game?

What is a Roleplaying Game?

World Saga is a roleplaying game, a form of interactive storytelling. A game of World Saga primarily takes place sitting around a table with friends. The action and story take place solely in the combined imaginations of the players. These players sit around telling a story about fictional characters and the challenges that those characters try to overcome. Each player at the table envisions a shared fantasy world where the actions and outcomes of their characters can take place. The resulting story and experience are only limited by the creativity of the players.

A game of World Saga is typically played with four to seven players, with five players being the most typical group size. One of the players takes on the role of the Game Mediator (or GM), who helps to facilitate the game’s narrative and drive the story forward. The other players, henceforth simply referred to as players, each create a player character (or PC) that exists in the shared game world. During gameplay, each player takes on the role of the character they created, determining the actions and decisions that their character makes in the game world. The GM helps facilitate this gameplay by describing the world around the players’ characters and how that world and its fictional inhabitants react to those characters’ decisions.