Affliction Format:
Affliction Format:
Name (
Effect: Attributes(s); Rank Conditions
What causes an Affliction varies by the type. The
Each Affliction has an associated Resistance. See the
The Frequency of the Affliction refers to how often a character needs to confront its effects. Each time the Frequency time elapses, the Afflicted character must take the
The Affliction’s Onset refers to how much time must elapse before the afflicted character begins to feel its effects. For Poisons, this might be immediate, but for Diseases or Curses, it might be days or even longer.
Max Rank refers to the maximum possible Rank of the Affliction. This usually corresponds to the degree of penalties applied by the Affliction. An afflicted character’s Affliction Rank cannot exceed this value.
Each Affliction will list the Attributes it effects. When a character gains an Affliction, the receive a condition penalty equal to the Affliction’s current Rank. For example, if a character was at Rank 2 of an Affliction that listed Endurance, the afflicted character would take a -2 condition penalty to Block, Resilience, Survival, and their maximum Stamina.
Afflictions with the 2d6 and take damage equal to the lowest of the two dice. For deadly toxicity take
1d6 damage.
An Affliction also may list any special conditions that are also applied for certain Affliction Ranks. When a character changes their current Affliction Rank to that value, they gain the listed conditions as well as the normal penalties. If their Affliction Rank decreases below the listed value(s), they remove the special condition.
When a character is first exposed to an Affliction, they must take the
Requirement: You are affected by an effect that bestows an Affliction.
You attempt to resist the Affliction.
Resolution: Resistance (varies for each Affliction)
– You narrowly avoid receiving the Affliction, but you suffer a -2 situation penalty to Resistance Rolls to resist the same Affliction for the next Activity (10 minutes).
– You successfully resist the effects of the Affliction.
– You successfully resist the effects of the Affliction and are temporarily immune to the same Affliction for the next Activity (10 minutes).
– You fail to resist the Affliction. As soon as the Affliction’s onset period elapses you gain the Affliction at Rank 1 with its associated penalties, If the Affliction has the
– As Failure, except the Affliction condition begins at Rank 2 with its associated penalties. If the Affliction has the
When the Affliction Rank changes, you immediately apply any changes to the penalties related to the Affliction. After the Affliction’s frequency has elapsed, the character must take the
Requirement: You are afflicted with an Affliction and an amount of time has elapsed in the game world equal to the Affliction’s frequency.
Resolution: Resistance (varies for each Affliction)
– Your condition improves, you reduce the Affliction’s Rank by 1. If the Affliction’s Rank is now equal to 0, you are cured, and the Affliction is removed.
– As a Success, except you may reduce the Affliction’s Rank by 2.
– Your condition worsens, you increase the Affliction’s Rank by 1. The Affliction’s Rank cannot exceed the Max Rank of the Affliction.
– As a Failure, except you increase the Affliction’s Rank by 2.
Example Afflictions
Example poison:
Mindfire (
Effect: Coordination, Intelligence;
Example disease:
Influenza (
Effect: Strength, Agility, Endurance; Rank 5: Unconscious; Rank 6: Death
Example curse:
Curse of the Sallow King (