Equipment: Weapons


Weapons are divided into two categories: melee and ranged. Melee weapons use the Fighting skill and ranged weapon use the Shooting skill.

Melee Weapon Types


Sharp weapons such as hatchets, battleaxes, greataxes, poleaxes, and scythes. These weapons are used for making wide sweeping slashes. They can more easily chop through an enemy’s shield or cleave through an opponent’s defenses.


Blunt weapons such as clubs, staves, maces, morningstars, hammers, mauls, and picks. These weapons are used for bludgeoning blows. They are good for shoving opponents back, crushing them with pure strength, and knocking them to the ground.

Dueling Blades

Medium bladed weapons with sharp points such as arming swords, rapiers, sabres, and scimitars. These weapons are used for defensive parries and quick thrusts.


Chained weapons such as flails, great-flails, and spiked chains. These chained-based weapons combine the heavy blows of bludgeons with some of the reach advantage of polearms, and can be used to strike multiple opponents, trip an opponent, and otherwise knock them to the ground.

Large Blades

Large, bladed weapons such as broadswords, longswords, greatswords, katanas, and falchions. These weapons are quite versatile, they can be used to thrust with the blade’s tip, make wide slashing arcs with the blade, or even make full circle strikes when faced with too many opponents.


Long and piercing weapons such as spears, guisarmes, ranseurs, lances and other pointed polearms. These weapons are used for keeping your enemy at a distance, tripping enemies, and thrusting forward with deadly impalements.

Small Blades

Short bladed weapons such as shortswords, daggers, and knives. These weapons are used for quick slashing with the blade and piercing thrusts with the blade’s tip. 

Ranged Weapon Types


Skills with shortbows and longbows. These weapons are used for quick and deadly shots from a distance.


Skills with hand crossbows and windlass crossbows. These weapons take more time to load and prepare, but they strike with much more force that a typical bow.


Skills with throwing axes, throwing knives, slings, and javelins. These weapons fling themselves or deadly stones at enemies from a distance.  They don’t have as much range as a bow, but they can hit with a hard punch.

Weapons Listing

The following section provides a list of common weapons in the game. Most weapons have Weapon Traits. These are special abilities of the weapon that can apply in certain situations. Weapon Traits are what make each weapon unique.

If there is a weapon that you wish to include in your game that is not on this list, talk with your GM to see if you can use the statistics of an existing weapon as a proxy or perhaps decide what traits make sense for your weapon.

Weapon Statistics

Armor Piercing X – After a successful Attack Roll against a target, the Defender takes an X situation penalty to their Protection value provided by their armor.

Concealable – The weapon is small and easily hidden in clothing. Any attempt to find the weapon requires a successful Investigate Basic Test by anyone searching for it.

Damage X – The weapon provides an item bonus (or penalty) to Damage. This bonus or penalty applies to the minimum damage dealt during an Attack Test with the weapon. A penalty will allow the minimum damage to be 0.

Encircle X – The weapon is particularly effective at getting around shields. During attacks with this weapon, the Defender takes an X penalty to any Intercept with Block.

Grapple – This weapon is small enough to be used while being Grappled. Normally, you cannot use a weapon while Grappled unless it has this trait.

Parry X – This weapon provides an item bonus (or penalty) to Intercept with Parry.

Range (X/Y/Z) – This weapon is a ranged weapon. The distances (in squares) is listed for each range category, Short, Medium, and Long. Distances up to X are Short range and have no Range Penalty applied to the Fire action. Distances greater than X and up to Y are Medium range and have a -2 untyped Range Penalty applied to the attack. Distances between Y and Z are Long range and have a –4 penalty. Distances greater than Z are Extreme range and have a -8 penalty.

Reach – This weapon is longer than most weapons, typically on a long shaft. You are able to Strike at enemies that are 2 squares away from you without being adjacent to them and Engaged in melee.

Reload X – This weapon has a complex reloading mechanic. You must take X Actions to reload the weapon. You can substitute your normal Move action for a Reload action and can thus spend one turn to reload a Reload 2 weapon.

Subdued – This weapon can be used to deal a non-lethal blow. Attacks with this weapon can choose to be non-lethal without suffering the usual -2 penalty for making a non-lethal attack.

Two-Hand – This weapon can be used both with one hand and with two hands. When the weapon is used in two hands the weapon’s traits change to those listed in parentheses after the Two-Hand trait. It is a Free action to switch the number of hands on a weapon, but it can only be performed once per turn unless you spend an Action to do so.

Weapons by Group

H indicates the number of hands required to use the weapon.
C indicates the typical cost of the weapon (in silver pieces).
B indicates the Bulk of the item.

Bardiche, Glaive, Halberd2H103Parry -2, Reach
Battleaxe1H102Armor Piercing 1
Greataxe2H204Parry -2, Damage +1, Armor Piercing 1
Hatchet, Sickle1H51Parry -1, Grapple
Scythe2H204Parry -2, Armor Piercing 1, Reach
Club1H1 cp1Subdued
Mace, Warhammer1H102
Maul2H203Parry -2, Damage +1
Morningstar, Pick1H122Armor Piercing 1
Staff2H2 cp2Parry +1
Shortbow2H302Range (10/20/40)
Longbow2H603Range (15/30/60), Armor Piercing 1
* Arrows, 10x (Quiver)51 –
Hand Crossbow2H502Range (10/20/40), Reload 1, Armor Piercing 1
Windlass Crossbow2H753Range (15/30/60), Reload 2, Armor Piercing 2, Damage +1
* Bolts, 10x (Case)51 –
   Dueling Blades  
Arming sword,
Knight sword,
Viking sword
Estoc, Rapier1H202Parry +1, Damage -1
Sabre, Scimitar1H252Encircle 1
Flail1H152Parry -2, Encircle 2
Spiked Chain
2H254Parry -2, Encircle 2, Damage +1
   Large Blades  
Falchion, Katana2H303Damage +1
Greatsword2H204Parry -4, Damage +2
Longsword1-2H153Two-Hand (-2 Parry, +1 Damage)
Guisarme, Lance, Pike, Ranseur2H153Parry -2, Damage +1, Reach
   Small Blades  
Dagger1H21Parry -1, Grapple
Knife1H11Parry -2, Damage -1, Grapple, Concealable
Javelin1H22Range (4/8/16), Armor Piercing 1
Sling2H2 cp1Range (5/10/20)
* Bullets, 10x (Sack)2 cp1 –
Throwing axe1H41Range (2/4/8), Damage +1
Throwing knife1H21Range (3/6/12), Damage -1
*Masterwork Weapon+500A masterfully made weapon grants a +1 Item bonus to Fighting/Shooting.