Weapons are divided into two categories: melee and ranged. Melee weapons use the Fighting skill and ranged weapon use the Shooting skill.
Melee Weapon Types
Sharp weapons such as hatchets, battleaxes, greataxes, poleaxes, and scythes. These weapons are used for making wide sweeping slashes. They can more easily chop through an enemy’s shield or cleave through an opponent’s defenses.
Blunt weapons such as clubs, staves, maces, morningstars, hammers, mauls, and picks. These weapons are used for bludgeoning blows. They are good for shoving opponents back, crushing them with pure strength, and knocking them to the ground.
Dueling Blades
Medium bladed weapons with sharp points such as arming swords, rapiers, sabres, and scimitars. These weapons are used for defensive parries and quick thrusts.
Chained weapons such as flails, great-flails, and spiked chains. These chained-based weapons combine the heavy blows of bludgeons with some of the reach advantage of polearms, and can be used to strike multiple opponents, trip an opponent, and otherwise knock them to the ground.
Large Blades
Large, bladed weapons such as broadswords, longswords, greatswords, katanas, and falchions. These weapons are quite versatile, they can be used to thrust with the blade’s tip, make wide slashing arcs with the blade, or even make full circle strikes when faced with too many opponents.
Long and piercing weapons such as spears, guisarmes, ranseurs, lances and other pointed polearms. These weapons are used for keeping your enemy at a distance, tripping enemies, and thrusting forward with deadly impalements.
Small Blades
Short bladed weapons such as shortswords, daggers, and knives. These weapons are used for quick slashing with the blade and piercing thrusts with the blade’s tip.
Ranged Weapon Types
Skills with shortbows and longbows. These weapons are used for quick and deadly shots from a distance.
Skills with hand crossbows and windlass crossbows. These weapons take more time to load and prepare, but they strike with much more force that a typical bow.
Skills with throwing axes, throwing knives, slings, and javelins. These weapons fling themselves or deadly stones at enemies from a distance. They don’t have as much range as a bow, but they can hit with a hard punch.
Weapons Listing
The following section provides a list of common weapons in the game. Most weapons have
If there is a weapon that you wish to include in your game that is not on this list, talk with your GM to see if you can use the statistics of an existing weapon as a proxy or perhaps decide what traits make sense for your weapon.
Weapon Statistics
Basic Test by anyone searching for it.
Weapons by Group
H indicates the number of hands required to use the weapon.
C indicates the typical cost of the weapon (in silver pieces).
B indicates the Bulk of the item.
Weapon | H | C | B | Traits |
Axes | ||||
Bardiche, Glaive, Halberd | 2H | 10 | 3 | Parry -2, Reach |
Battleaxe | 1H | 10 | 2 | Armor Piercing 1 |
Greataxe | 2H | 20 | 4 | Parry -2, Damage +1, Armor Piercing 1 |
Hatchet, Sickle | 1H | 5 | 1 | Parry -1, Grapple |
Scythe | 2H | 20 | 4 | Parry -2, Armor Piercing 1, Reach |
Bludgeons | ||||
Club | 1H | 1 cp | 1 | Subdued |
Mace, Warhammer | 1H | 10 | 2 | – |
Maul | 2H | 20 | 3 | Parry -2, Damage +1 |
Morningstar, Pick | 1H | 12 | 2 | Armor Piercing 1 |
Staff | 2H | 2 cp | 2 | Parry +1 |
Bows | ||||
Shortbow | 2H | 30 | 2 | Range (10/20/40) |
Longbow | 2H | 60 | 3 | Range (15/30/60), Armor Piercing 1 |
* Arrows, 10x (Quiver) | 5 | 1 | – | |
Crossbows | ||||
Hand Crossbow | 2H | 50 | 2 | Range (10/20/40), Reload 1, Armor Piercing 1 |
Windlass Crossbow | 2H | 75 | 3 | Range (15/30/60), Reload 2, Armor Piercing 2, Damage +1 |
* Bolts, 10x (Case) | 5 | 1 | – | |
Dueling Blades | ||||
Arming sword, Knight sword, Viking sword | 1H | 15 | 2 | – |
Estoc, Rapier | 1H | 20 | 2 | Parry +1, Damage -1 |
Sabre, Scimitar | 1H | 25 | 2 | Encircle 1 |
Flails | ||||
Flail | 1H | 15 | 2 | Parry -2, Encircle 2 |
Great-Flail, Spiked Chain | 2H | 25 | 4 | Parry -2, Encircle 2, Damage +1 |
Large Blades | ||||
Falchion, Katana | 2H | 30 | 3 | Damage +1 |
Greatsword | 2H | 20 | 4 | Parry -4, Damage +2 |
Longsword | 1-2H | 15 | 3 | Two-Hand (-2 Parry, +1 Damage) |
Polearms | ||||
Guisarme, Lance, Pike, Ranseur | 2H | 15 | 3 | Parry -2, Damage +1, Reach |
Spear | 1H | 2 | 2 | – |
Small Blades | ||||
Dagger | 1H | 2 | 1 | Parry -1, Grapple |
Knife | 1H | 1 | 1 | Parry -2, Damage -1, Grapple, Concealable |
Shortsword | 1H | 10 | 1 | – |
Thrown | ||||
Javelin | 1H | 2 | 2 | Range (4/8/16), Armor Piercing 1 |
Sling | 2H | 2 cp | 1 | Range (5/10/20) |
* Bullets, 10x (Sack) | 2 cp | 1 | – | |
Throwing axe | 1H | 4 | 1 | Range (2/4/8), Damage +1 |
Throwing knife | 1H | 2 | 1 | Range (3/6/12), Damage -1 |
*Masterwork Weapon | – | +500 | – | A masterfully made weapon grants a +1 Item bonus to Fighting/Shooting. |