Equipment: Armors


Armor can mean the difference between a lethal wound and a minor bruise. Armor helps characters reduce the amount of damage they might take in combat. However, armor can also slow the wearer down, making them easier targets for attacks.

Protection and Armor Dents: When a character who is wearing armor takes Stamina damage, they can reduce the amount of damage they take by the armor’s Protection value. Armor cannot reduce the damage below the minimum damage of the attack. Each time the armor reduces damage in this way, the armor takes a Dent. Armor can receive a number of Dents equal to its Protection value. When the number of Dents equals the Protection value of the armor, the armor gains the Broken condition and needs to be repaired. While the armor is Broken, the armor no longer reduces damage but retains the full penalties of wearing the armor. In order to repair a set of armor, a character can take the Repair action with Craft (Metalwork) or Craft (Textiles) as appropriate for the armor type. Alternatively, they can have the armor repaired for them in a friendly settlement (see Services later in this chapter).

Armor Statistics

Cost – Cost of this armor in silver pieces (sp).

Bulk – Weight and volume of this item in Bulk units. Armor has greater Bulk when it is not being worn. Add +1 Bulk for Light armor, +2 for Medium armor, +3 for Heavy armor, and +4 for Full armor. Clothing does not have Bulk when worn and is Light Bulk when not worn.

Protection (Prot) – Wearing heavier armor provides more protection from damage and harm. This is the amount that incoming damage is reduced. This number is also the number of Dents the armor can receive before becoming Broken and needing repair.

Minimum Str/End (MSE) – This is the minimum Strength and Endurance a character must possess to comfortably wear the armor. If a character does not have both a Strength and Endurance at least equal to this value, then they suffer an additional -1 penalty to Speed and an additional -2 penalty to Agility-based skills and Reflexes.

Speed Penalty – Heavier armor slows you down. This is an item penalty that is applied to your Speed.

AGL Penalty – Maneuvering in heavier armor is more difficult. This is an item penalty that is applied to Agility-based Skill Ranks (Athletics, Parry, and Subterfuge). The GM might determine this penalty does not apply for a specific Test where armor is likely not to interfere.

Reflexes Penalty – This is an item penalty that is applied to your Reflexes rolls. Wearing heavier armor makes you slower to react.


C indicates the typical cost of the armor (in silver pieces).
B indicates the Bulk of the item.

Armor TypeCBProtMSESpeed PenaltyAGL PenaltyReflex Penalty
Light Armor20226-0-1-1
Medium Armor50348-1-2-2
Heavy Armor1504610-2-3-4
Full Armor4006810-3-4-6
*Masterwork Armor+500A masterfully crafted set of armor grants a +1 Item bonus to maximum Stamina.

Armor Examples

Light Armors – Padded, Leather, or Studded Leather

Medium Armors – Hide Mail, Scale Mail, Chain Hauberk

Heavy Armor – Splint, Breastplate, Chainmail, or Half-plate

Full Armor – Field Plate