Path of Discovery
[Class: Citizen, Qual: END+4, Stability: INT+4]
[Skill: Survival, Reserve: Stamina]
You are a commissioned explorer working for a wealthy patron. You might be a lowly surveyor expanding farmland into a local swamp, or you could be sent on oceanic voyages to discover new resources.
Skill Table
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Athletics | Block or Parry | Fight or Shoot | Medicine | Investigate | Lore (Nature) |
[Class: Patrician, Qual: CHA+4, Stability: INT+4]
[Skill: Persuade, Reserve: Focus]
You are a representative working with disparate cultures and societies to foster trade and relationships. You could be a diplomat easing tensions between two societies, or you could be a trade representative negotiating for a guild.
Skill Table
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Deceive | Inspire | Investigate | Subterfuge | Lore (Culture) | Lore (History) |
Explorer Rewards Table | Envoy Rewards Table | ||
d6 | Reward | d6 | Reward |
1 | Nothing | 1 | Nothing |
2 | Compass | 2 | Writing Tools |
3 | 30 sp | 3 | 40 sp |
4 | 60 sp | 4 | 80 sp |
5 | Spyglass | 5 | Manor |
6 | +1 END | 6 | +1 CHA |
7 | +1 END and +1 INT | 7 | +1 CHA and +1 INT |
Mishap Table
d6 | Mishap |
1 | Severely Injured. Roll on the Injury Table. |
2 | You are captured by an enemy society. You become a Prisoner next Phase. |
3 | You make a major mistake that causes tension between two groups, your reputation suffers. -1 CHA |
4 | Something goes wrong on your latest mission and a fight breaks out. +1 Fighting, Shooting or +1 Subterfuge. You lose your job. |
5 | You are forced to take command of a mission, but your patrons do not like the way you handled things. +1 Awe |
6 | Enemies of your patron or society ambush you. You must roll on the Injury Table (page XX) but are not ejected from your Profession. |
Event Table
2d6 | Event |
2 | Disaster! Roll on the Mishap table, but you can stay in this Profession. |
3 | Out in the wilderness something goes wrong, and you must help your crew. Roll a Survival or Persuade Basic Test, if successful you gain +1 Medicine or +1 Inspire. |
4 | Your discoveries/negotiations lead allow you to make a new connection. You gain +1 to your Reward roll this Phase and gain a new Contact. |
5 | You are rewarded for a recent discovery/negotiation. You gain +1 to your Reward roll this Phase. |
6 | You make a strong connection during your travels. Gain an Ally. |
7 | Life Event. Roll on the Life Event Table. |
8 | You have an opportunity to deceive your patron about your latest discovery/negotiation. If you choose to do so, you gain an Enemy and +1 to a Secondary Skill. Then roll a Deceive Basic Test. If you succeed, you gain +1 to a different Secondary Skill. If you fail, you are ejected and must roll on the Mishap Table. |
9 | Your travels allow you to make some new contacts. Gain 1d3 Contacts. |
10 | You make a new natural or cultural discovery. Gain +1 Lore (Nature) or +1 Lore (Culture). |
11 | Your travels lead you to an unusual occurrence. Roll on the Unusual Event sub-table. |
12 | Your successes earn you prestige. You gain an extra Reward roll this Phase and automatically succeed on your next Profession Stability Test in this Profession. |