Lifepath: Discovery

Path of Discovery 


[Class: Citizen, Qual: END+4, Stability: INT+4
[Skill: Survival, Reserve: Stamina]
You are a commissioned explorer working for a wealthy patron. You might be a lowly surveyor expanding farmland into a local swamp, or you could be sent on oceanic voyages to discover new resources.

Skill Table

AthleticsBlock or ParryFight or ShootMedicineInvestigateLore (Nature)


[Class: Patrician, Qual: CHA+4, Stability: INT+4
[Skill: Persuade, Reserve: Focus]
You are a representative working with disparate cultures and societies to foster trade and relationships. You could be a diplomat easing tensions between two societies, or you could be a trade representative negotiating for a guild.

Skill Table

DeceiveInspireInvestigateSubterfugeLore (Culture)Lore (History)
Explorer Rewards TableEnvoy Rewards Table
2Compass2Writing Tools
330 sp340 sp
460 sp480 sp
6+1 END6+1 CHA
7+1 END and +1 INT7+1 CHA and +1 INT

Mishap Table

1Severely Injured. Roll on the Injury Table.
2You are captured by an enemy society. You become a Prisoner next Phase.
3You make a major mistake that causes tension between two groups, your reputation suffers. -1 CHA
4Something goes wrong on your latest mission and a fight breaks out. +1 Fighting, Shooting or +1 Subterfuge. You lose your job.
5You are forced to take command of a mission, but your patrons do not like the way you handled things. +1 Awe
6Enemies of your patron or society ambush you. You must roll on the Injury Table (page XX) but are not ejected from your Profession.

Event Table

2Disaster! Roll on the Mishap table, but you can stay in this Profession.
3Out in the wilderness something goes wrong, and you must help your crew. Roll a Survival or Persuade Basic Test, if successful you gain +1 Medicine or +1 Inspire.
4Your discoveries/negotiations lead allow you to make a new connection. You gain +1 to your Reward roll this Phase and gain a new Contact.
5You are rewarded for a recent discovery/negotiation. You gain +1 to your Reward roll this Phase.
6You make a strong connection during your travels. Gain an Ally.
7Life Event. Roll on the Life Event Table.
8You have an opportunity to deceive your patron about your latest discovery/negotiation. If you choose to do so, you gain an Enemy and +1 to a Secondary Skill. Then roll a Deceive Basic Test. If you succeed, you gain +1 to a different Secondary Skill. If you fail, you are ejected and must roll on the Mishap Table.
9Your travels allow you to make some new contacts. Gain 1d3 Contacts.
10You make a new natural or cultural discovery. Gain +1 Lore (Nature) or +1 Lore (Culture).
11Your travels lead you to an unusual occurrence. Roll on the Unusual Event sub-table.
12Your successes earn you prestige. You gain an extra Reward roll this Phase and automatically succeed on your next Profession Stability Test in this Profession.