Derived Statistics
Speed is the number of squares on a gridded battle-map that a character can move during a Stride action. This value is equal to 2 plus one-half a character’s Agility Rank (rounded down). Armor and shields can add an item penalty to this final value. The Encumbered condition reduces this value by 2 when you are carrying too many items.
Protection is the amount of damage that a character’s armor deflects when a character is successfully attacked. This value is taken directly from the armor a character is wearing. Each time a character takes Stamina damage from an attack, the character’s armor reduces the damage by this amount. However, character still receive the minimum damage from the attack. The Protection value of armor also determines how many Dents it can take before it is Broken and stops providing this damage reduction. See Armor in Chapter 4: Equipment for more information.
After filling in the derived statistics, you can fill in every Skill, Resistance, and Tolerance by adding the appropriate bonuses and penalties for the final Rank.