Equipment: Services


Inns and Taverns

Animal Stabling2 cpPer day, includes feed and general care.
Armor Repair2Cost is per Dent repaired.
Item Repair5-10Repair does not include raw material cost.
Meal (crude)1 cpBread and watery soup or simple porridge. Cup of water.
Meal (modest)3 cpBread and hearty stew or bean porridge. Pint of ale.
Meal (fine)3Cheese and cured meat slices. Vegetable medley, small cut of meat. Cup of fine ale or wine.
Meal (luxury)10Fine cheeses and cured meats and sausages. Salad of fresh greens and fine cut of prime meat. Multiple cups of fine wine.
Lodging(Cost is per day, may discount if week paid up front)
Common floor space3 cpFloor space near the fire with a roof overhead.
Common room bed1Single bed in a common room. Might include a lockable chest for storage.
Private room, double bed5Lockable private bedroom with a lockable storage closet.
Private fine suite of rooms100Luxury suite of rooms with multiple beds (sleeps 6). Might have office area or external balcony.

Daily Upkeep Costs

For tracking of living costs over longer periods of time, these numbers reflect the cost for basic rent or property taxes, meals, and other taxes and fees.

Subsistence416Shared apartment or cottage.
Modest1040Private apartment or small home.
Fine3001200Quality apartment or moderate home.
Luxury10004000Extravagant apartment or large home.

Mounts and Pack Animals

It is often useful to have a mount for faster transportation, or an animal to help carry gear and supplies for a long expedition. The Cost includes appropriate tack, saddle, and saddlebags. The Bulk entry lists the number of Bulk the creature can carry.

Horse, Riding8016Requires successful Impress to calm if brought into combat, otherwise flees.
Horse, War30020Can be brought into combat and also don barding.
Mule, donkey, or other pack animal2016Requires successful Impress to calm if brought into combat, otherwise flees.

Travel Costs

These prices are for standard transportation per hex (6 miles, 10 km); meals or private sleeping arrangements are extra (see meals and lodging). Travel to dangerous or unknown lands are likely more expensive.

Travel ServiceCostNotes
Caravan Wagon3 cpA seat on a land-bound wagon.
Ferry or Riverboat4 cpPassage up, down, or across a river.
Private Carriage2 spA seat in a small private horse-drawn carriage.
Sailing Vessel6 cpPassage with minimal space on an oceanic voyage. Double price for private quarters.

Hirelings and Specialists

Paid laborers can provide some help at basic tasks, while skilled specialists can provide help with specific tasks. Cost is per day (or per task for some specialists) and rates are likely to double if brought into dangerous or unknown areas. The listed skill value is their Skill Rank for their primary skill, otherwise assume the NPC has a Skill Rank of 6 in everything else. NPC specialists usually take their time on their assignments and thus typically have a +4 situation bonus on related Tests.

Laborer16A basic laborer for manual and tedious tasks.
Specialist, Skilled58A trained and skilled professional.
Specialist, Expert1012A well-trained expert in a particular area.
Specialist, Master3014A well-experienced master of their discipline.
Guard / Soldier108A basic warrior with a Skill Rank of 8 for Dodge, Block and Fighting or Shooting. They have their own weapon, light armor, and a shield.
Mercenary2010A skilled warrior with a Skill Rank of 10 for Dodge, Block and Fighting or Shooting. They have their own weapon, medium armor, and a shield.