Path of Wealth
The Mercenary and Merchant use different Mishap and Event Tables.
Mercenary Rewards Table | Merchant Rewards Table | ||
d6 | Reward | d6 | Reward |
1 | 20 sp | 1 | Nothing |
2 | 40 sp | 2 | 15 sp |
3 | Melee Weapon | 3 | 30 sp |
4 | Small Shield or Ranged Weapon | 4 | 60 sp |
5 | Apartment | 5 | Apartment |
6 | +1 COR | 6 | +1 CHA |
7 | +1 COR and +1 STR, or +1 COR and +1 PER | 7 | +1 CHA and +1 INT |
[Class: Citizen, Qual: COR+4, Stability: END+4]
[Skill: Fighting or Shooting, Reserve: Stamina]
You are a sell-sword, hired muscle wiling to get violent if the situation calls for it. You might be a simple private sentinel for a wealthy client, or a guard for a travelling merchant caravan, or even a hired soldier fighting in battles with conscripted soldiers. You are willing to fight, as long as there is coin in it for you.
Skill Table
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Athletics | Block or Parry | Awe | Investigate | Survival | Lore (Culture) |
Mishap Table
d6 | Mishap |
1 | Severely Injured. Roll on the Injury Table. |
2 | You find out the hard way your latest client is a wanted criminal. You are arrested with them. You become a Prisoner next Phase. |
3 | You fail to complete an important contract, and now no one will hire you. Gain a Rival. |
4 | You are accused, rightly or wrongly, of being in league with some criminals. But the criminals offer you to work with them, gain +4 to your Profession Stability Test if you choose the Ruffian Profession next Phase. |
5 | You are struck down when a fight breaks out. Roll on the Injury Table, but you can stay in this Profession. |
6 | After a close brush with death, you decide to pursue a safer career option. Gain a +2 bonus on your next Qualification Test. |
Event Table
2d6 | Event |
2 | Disaster! Roll on the Mishap table, but you can stay in this Profession. |
3 | You train some new recruits. Roll a Fighting or Shooting Basic Test. If successful, gain +1 Block or Parry. |
4 | You have some successful contracts that force you to do more than just fighting. Gain +1 to a chosen Secondary Skill. |
5 | You have a very successful contract that pays well. +1 to your Reward roll. |
6 | You bond with a fellow mercenary. Gain an Ally. |
7 | Life Event. Roll on the Life Event Table. |
8 | You find yourself in a dangerous battle. Roll a Fighting or Shooting Basic Test. If successful, you gain +1 Fighting, Shooting, Block, or Parry. If you fail, roll on the Injury Table. |
9 | Another mercenary has been neglecting their duties. You can turn them in to gain them as an Enemy and +2 on your next Profession Stability Test, or you can keep their secret to gain an Ally. |
10 | You take a contract requiring subterfuge. You gain +1 Investigate or +1 Subterfuge. |
11 | You land an easy long-term contract. Choose to gain a +1 Fighting or Shooting; or a +4 on your next Profession Stability Test for this Profession. |
12 | You acquire a very profitable contract. You gain an extra Reward roll this Phase and automatically succeed on your next Profession Stability Test in this Profession. |
[Class: Citizen, Qual: CHA+4, Stability: INT+4]
[Skill: Persuade, Reserve: Focus]
You are a trader, buying low and selling high, bringing wares from here to there. You might be a lowly pawn dealer working in a side alley, or you might travel with a caravan from city to city. You may even be part of a prosperous trade guild watching the coins flow in.
Skill Table
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Deceive | Inspire | Perform | Investigate | Lore (Culture) | Lore (Crime) |
Mishap Table
d6 | Mishap |
1 | Severely Injured. Roll on the Injury Table. |
2 | Your business goes bankrupt and is taken over by someone with a vendetta against you. You gain a Rival and lose your Reward this Phase. |
3 | You gain a reputation, fairly or unfairly, for being a charlatan and cheat. Your business is ruined. -1 CHA |
4 | A criminal enterprise steals your assets and tries to kill you, thankfully you manage to escape. Gain +1 Athletics or +1 Subterfuge. |
5 | Sabotage or arson ruins your assets, destroying your business. You can take your remaining assets and leave this Profession, keeping your Reward roll; otherwise, you can lose your Reward roll to stay. |
6 | Your business begins to face fierce competition from a competitor. Gain a Rival. You can stay in this Profession. |
Event Table
2d6 | Event |
2 | Disaster! Roll on the Mishap table, but you can stay in this Profession. |
3 | You have an opportunity to take a contract for a contentious client on the side. If you accept you gain +1 Persuade, but also gain 1d3 Enemies. |
4 | You gain a new client or trade partner. You gain +1 to your Reward roll this Phase and a new Contact. |
5 | Your make an extra profit on your latest trade. You gain +1 to your Reward roll this Phase. |
6 | You have an opportunity to learn a trade secret from a client if you can convince them. Roll a Persuade Basic Test, if you succeed, you gain +1 to any Craft or Lore skill of your choice. |
7 | Life Event. Roll on the Life Event Table. |
8 | Time constraints limit your ability to meet a client’s demand. You can choose to deceive them with a low-quality alternative. If you choose to do so, you must roll a Deceive Basic Test. If you succeed, gain a +2 to your Reward roll and +1 to a random Secondary Skill. If you fail, you lose your Reward roll. Either way, you gain an Enemy when they (eventually) find out. |
9 | You acquire a long-term trade contract. Gain +2 on your next Profession Stability Test for this Profession. |
10 | You become entangled with some criminal elements. Gain +1 Investigate or +1 Lore (Crime). |
11 | You make a trade connection with some prominent nobles. Gain +1 Persuade or gain a +4 on your next Profession Stability Test for this Profession. |
12 | Business is booming. You gain an extra Reward roll this Phase and automatically succeed on your next Profession Stability Test in this Profession. |