Lifepath: Wealth

Path of Wealth

The Mercenary and Merchant use different Mishap and Event Tables.

Mercenary Rewards TableMerchant Rewards Table
120 sp1Nothing
240 sp215 sp
3Melee Weapon330 sp
4Small Shield or
Ranged Weapon
460 sp
6+1 COR6+1 CHA
7+1 COR and +1 STR, or
+1 COR and +1 PER
7+1 CHA and +1 INT


[Class: Citizen, Qual: COR+4, Stability: END+4
[Skill: Fighting or Shooting, Reserve: Stamina]
You are a sell-sword, hired muscle wiling to get violent if the situation calls for it. You might be a simple private sentinel for a wealthy client, or a guard for a travelling merchant caravan, or even a hired soldier fighting in battles with conscripted soldiers. You are willing to fight, as long as there is coin in it for you.

Skill Table

AthleticsBlock or ParryAweInvestigateSurvivalLore (Culture)

Mishap Table

1Severely Injured. Roll on the Injury Table.
2You find out the hard way your latest client is a wanted criminal. You are arrested with them. You become a Prisoner next Phase.
3You fail to complete an important contract, and now no one will hire you. Gain a Rival.
4You are accused, rightly or wrongly, of being in league with some criminals. But the criminals offer you to work with them, gain +4 to your Profession Stability Test if you choose the Ruffian Profession next Phase.
5You are struck down when a fight breaks out. Roll on the Injury Table, but you can stay in this Profession.
6After a close brush with death, you decide to pursue a safer career option. Gain a +2 bonus on your next Qualification Test.

Event Table

2Disaster! Roll on the Mishap table, but you can stay in this Profession.
3You train some new recruits. Roll a Fighting or Shooting Basic Test. If successful, gain +1 Block or Parry.
4You have some successful contracts that force you to do more than just fighting. Gain +1 to a chosen Secondary Skill.
5You have a very successful contract that pays well. +1 to your Reward roll.
6You bond with a fellow mercenary. Gain an Ally.
7Life Event. Roll on the Life Event Table.
8You find yourself in a dangerous battle. Roll a Fighting or Shooting Basic Test. If successful, you gain +1 Fighting, Shooting, Block, or Parry. If you fail, roll on the Injury Table.
9Another mercenary has been neglecting their duties. You can turn them in to gain them as an Enemy and +2 on your next Profession Stability Test, or you can keep their secret to gain an Ally.
10You take a contract requiring subterfuge. You gain +1 Investigate or +1 Subterfuge.
11You land an easy long-term contract. Choose to gain a +1 Fighting or Shooting; or a +4 on your next Profession Stability Test for this Profession.
12You acquire a very profitable contract. You gain an extra Reward roll this Phase and automatically succeed on your next Profession Stability Test in this Profession.


[Class: Citizen, Qual: CHA+4, Stability: INT+4
[Skill: Persuade, Reserve: Focus]
You are a trader, buying low and selling high, bringing wares from here to there. You might be a lowly pawn dealer working in a side alley, or you might travel with a caravan from city to city. You may even be part of a prosperous trade guild watching the coins flow in.

Skill Table

DeceiveInspirePerformInvestigateLore (Culture)Lore (Crime)

Mishap Table

1Severely Injured. Roll on the Injury Table.
2Your business goes bankrupt and is taken over by someone with a vendetta against you. You gain a Rival and lose your Reward this Phase.
3You gain a reputation, fairly or unfairly, for being a charlatan and cheat.
Your business is ruined.  -1 CHA
4A criminal enterprise steals your assets and tries to kill you, thankfully you manage to escape. Gain +1 Athletics or +1 Subterfuge.
5Sabotage or arson ruins your assets, destroying your business. You can take your remaining assets and leave this Profession, keeping your Reward roll; otherwise, you can lose your Reward roll to stay.
6Your business begins to face fierce competition from a competitor. Gain a Rival. You can stay in this Profession.

Event Table

2Disaster! Roll on the Mishap table, but you can stay in this Profession.
3You have an opportunity to take a contract for a contentious client on the side. If you accept you gain +1 Persuade, but also gain 1d3 Enemies.
4You gain a new client or trade partner. You gain +1 to your Reward roll this Phase and a new Contact.
5Your make an extra profit on your latest trade. You gain +1 to your Reward roll this Phase.
6You have an opportunity to learn a trade secret from a client if you can convince them. Roll a Persuade Basic Test, if you succeed, you gain +1 to any Craft or Lore skill of your choice.
7Life Event. Roll on the Life Event Table.
8Time constraints limit your ability to meet a client’s demand. You can choose to deceive them with a low-quality alternative. If you choose to do so, you must roll a Deceive Basic Test. If you succeed, gain a +2 to your Reward roll and +1 to a random Secondary Skill. If you fail, you lose your Reward roll. Either way, you gain an Enemy when they (eventually) find out.
9You acquire a long-term trade contract. Gain +2 on your next Profession Stability Test for this Profession.
10You become entangled with some criminal elements. Gain +1 Investigate or +1 Lore (Crime).
11You make a trade connection with some prominent nobles. Gain +1 Persuade or gain a +4 on your next Profession Stability Test for this Profession.
12Business is booming. You gain an extra Reward roll this Phase and automatically succeed on your next Profession Stability Test in this Profession.