Lifepath: Creation

Path of Creation 


[Class: Citizen, Qual: COR+4, Stability: INT+4
[Skill: Craft(*), Reserve: Focus]
You are a practitioner of an important craft, creating things with your hands and intellect. You might be a lowly apprentice learning the trade, or perhaps a skilled master and member of a guild.

Skill Table

AthleticsPersuadeInvestigateCraft(**)SubterfugeLore (Culture)


[Class: Patrician, Qual: INT+4, Stability: PER+4
[Skill: Craft (Literary), Reserve: Focus]
You are a crafter of words and sentences on the written page. You might be a lowly scribe copying manuscripts or a budding novelist sharing stories with those with the time to read them. 

Skill Table

DeceiveInspirePersuadeInvestigateLore (Culture)Lore (History)
Crafter Rewards TableWriter Rewards Table
(Matching Primary Skill)
2Writing Tools
330 sp325 sp
460 sp450 sp
6+1 COR6+1 INT
7+1 COR and +1 INT7+1 COR and +1 INT

Mishap Table

1Severely Injured. Roll on the Injury Table.
2Your business goes bankrupt and is taken over by someone with a vendetta against you. You gain a Rival and lose your Reward this Phase.
3In an accident you cause permanent damage to one of your hands. -1 COR
4A fight breaks out in the workshop causing chaos. You gain +1 Fighting but are ejected for being involved in the fighting.
5You make a careless error that costs the business dearly. You can choose to keep your Reward and lose your job or lose your Reward to stay.
6The market has been slow, and you are laid off. A good recommendation grants you a +2 on your next Qualification Test.

Event Table

2Disaster! Roll on the Mishap table, but you can stay in this Profession.
3You have an opportunity to work for a contentious client on the side. If you accept you gain +1 Primary Skill, but also gain 1d3 Enemies.
4You perform quality work for a new client. You gain +1 to your Reward roll this Phase and a new Contact.
5Your work grants you a small bonus. You gain +1 to your Reward roll this Phase.
6You have an opportunity for some additional training. Roll an INT+2 Basic Test. If successful, increase a Craft or Lore skill by +1 (cannot choose your Primary Skill).
7Life Event. Roll on the Life Event Table.
8Time constraints limit your ability to meet a client’s demand. You can choose to deceive them with a low-quality alternative. If you choose to do so, you must roll a Deceive Basic Test. If you succeed, gain a +2 to your Reward roll and +1 to a random Secondary Skill. If you fail, you lose your Reward roll. Either way, you gain an Enemy when they (eventually) find out.
9Your skills are getting recognized. Gain +2 on your next Profession Stability Test for this Profession.
10You become entangled with some criminal elements. Gain +1 Subterfuge or +1 Lore (Crime).
11You begin working with a gifted mentor. Gain an Ally. With their help you gain a +4 on your next Profession Stability Test for this Profession.
12Your talents earn you a promotion. You gain an extra Reward roll this Phase and automatically succeed on your next Profession Stability Test in this Profession.