Lifepath: Connections

Path of Connections


[Class: Peasant, Qual: EMP+4, Stability: CHA+4
[Skill: Inspire, Reserve: Courage]
You are a worker in the hospitality field, focusing on seeing to the needs and comforts of others. You might work in a tavern, inn, or a bathhouse. If you are a Citizen or Patrician, you might be the owner of the establishment.

Skill Table

DeceivePersuadeInvestigateCraft (Culinary)Lore (Culture)Lore (Nature)


[Class: Citizen, Qual: CHA+4, Stability: INT+4
[Skill: Persuade, Reserve: Courage]
You try to connect communities together for collective action and serve as their spokesperson. You might be a community leader, bureaucrat, a town crier, union leader, or even a revolutionary firebrand. 

Skill Table

AweDeceiveInspirePerformCraft (Literary)Lore (Culture)
Keeper Rewards TableOrator Rewards Table
2Culinary Tools2Writing Tools
320 sp320 sp
440 sp440 sp
6+1 EMP6+1 CHA
7+1 EMP and +1 CHA7+1 INT and +1 CHA

Mishap Table

1Severely Injured. Roll on the Injury Table.
2You are accused, rightly or wrongly, of treasonous actions. Roll a Persuade or Deceive Basic Test. If successful gain +1 to that skill but you leave this Profession; if you fail, you are arrested and become a Prisoner next Phase.
3You get embroiled in a conspiracy under investigation that ends your career. Roll a Persuade or Deceive Basic Test to keep your Reward this Phase; if you roll a Critical Failure, you become a Prisoner next Phase.
4You wronged the wrong person. You gain a Rival or an Enemy.
5You come into contact with some revolutionaries and lose your job by association. However, you can join them to gain a +4 on your next Profession Stability Test in the Ruffian Profession.
6The market has been slow, or people stopped listening, and you lose your job. A good recommendation grants you a +2 on your next Qualification Test.

Event Table

2Disaster! Roll on the Mishap table, but you can stay in this Profession.
3You meet an interesting Patron who has an opportunity, if you change Professions next Phase gain a +4 to your Qualification Test, but you owe the Patron a favor.
4Someone leaves something valuable behind. You can keep or return it and gain +1 to your Reward roll this Phase.
5You meet an assortment of interesting people. Gain 1d3 Contacts.
6You help a likeminded person deal with a problem. Gain an Ally.
7Life Event. Roll on the Life Event Table.
8You have the opportunity to get involved with a local dispute that could affect your reputation. If you choose to accept, you gain an Enemy and must roll a Persuade or Inspire Basic Test. If you succeed, you gain +2 to your Reward roll, and +1 to Lore (Culture). If you fail, you lose your Reward roll.
9You are gaining some local popularity. Gain +2 on your next Profession Stability Test for this Profession.
10You become entangled with some criminal elements. Gain +1 Subterfuge or +1 Lore (Crime).
11You begin working with a brilliant mentor. Gain an Ally. With their help you gain a +4 on your next Profession Stability Test for this Profession.
12Your words and talents have attracted many. You gain an extra Reward roll this Phase and automatically succeed on your next Profession Stability Test in this Profession.